Contribute to synthpop

No matter your level of experience and skills, you can contribute to synthpop. There are many ways to do so and we would appreciate any kind of input.


File issues

If you find a bug in synthpop, you can file an issue on the GitHub repository of the synthpop package. Please provide a detailed description of the problem and include a minimal reproducible example if possible. If we can’t reproduce the bug, we might not be able to fix it. To help us keep track of the status of the reported bugs, please send a separate report for each bug.


Contribute code

We welcome code contributions to the synthpop package, which can be send by email. If you would like to develop a new synthesising method you can write a function named syn.newmethod() and if it has standard parameters y, x, xp (see help files for existing synthesising methods, e.g. syn.cart()) we can easily introduce it to the package. Then it can be used by specifying method parameter of syn() function as "newmethod". Note that we will expect you to provide help page information too. Other kinds of code contributions are welcome too.


Wish list

The synthpop package can be even better if you share your ideas with us. If you have a suggestion for an improvement or a new feature, you can send us an email or submit this to the same place you would submit a bug (see File issues above).

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